Intrapreneurship workshop: the trends, why, the lessons and where to start

A short, practical workshop by two leading experts to help your company to become more intrapreneurial will take place on Tuesday 14th June at 7pm.

About this event

The workshop is free and aimed at business owners and managers who want to unlock the innovative capacity of their employees to develop new products, access new markets and create efficiencies.

Ron Immink and Bernd Mintjes will share 75 years of experience in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation and intrapreneurship.

A very short presentation and then plenty of time for discussion and Q and A.

Register to boom your place for the event here

Over the past two years the Ireland South East region has been used as a testbed for an innovative European study into intrapreneurship. The word ‘Intrapreneurship’ is most often used to describe the entrepreneurial behaviour of employees and the development of new ventures within the existing structure of an organisation.