Four new enterprise hubs in West Waterford officially opened as ‘Dungarvan 2040’ published

Four new enterprise hubs in Tallow, Lismore, Cappoquin and Villierstown were officially opened on Friday last while the ‘Dungarvan 2040’ programme was also published. The four hubs have been developed to encourage people to live and work in the Blackwater Valley Economic Development Zone.

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys was present to cut the ribbons to the new hubs.  The four new ‘Smart Work’ or enterprise hubs are designed to take advantage of a surge in interest in remote working since the pandemic.

Community enterprise interests in Cappoquin, Tallow, Lismore, and Villierstown came together to form the Blackwater Valley Economic Development Zone (BVEDZ) team – a collaboration involving Waterford Leader Partnership, Tomar Trust, Waterford City & County Council and the four participant communities. Premises in each of the four participating areas, some of which were previously derelict or unoccupied, have now been developed as Enterprise Hubs. The openings also coincided with the launch of the “Dungarvan 2040” programme.

Speaking at Dungarvan Enterprise Centre at the launch, Town Manager and Director of Services at Waterford City & County Council, Kieran Kehoe said,

“These facilities are a key component of the “Dungarvan 2040” development strategy which we are publishing today.  Buildings such as this will provide affordable office space with access to high-speed broadband, reception, and meeting services. Today’s launch fully accords with the Department of Rural & Community Development’s ‘Town Centre First’ and ‘Our Rural Future’ strategy documents.”

Dungarvan 2040 is a concerted and collaborative approach by government agencies, community groups, stakeholders, the local business community and the local authority to deliver a progressive and cohesive approach to Dungarvan’s social and economic development.  Funded under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme it will act as the strategic basis for identifying and prioritising projects for delivery over the next 20 years.

The Dungarvan Enterprise Hub also received funding under the “Connected Hubs” programme and is a central component of the Dungarvan Digital Transformation Hub (DDTH) initiative.