Ireland South East aims to be a model region for design, where the transformation, growth, and development of the region is driven by design, innovation, and creativity.
Our companies and researchers are at the forefront of national & international design thinking, communicating the impact and value of design as an integral part of daily life, enterprise, innovation and product development.
“Ireland South East is a very friendly and artistic area, with a cosy, intimate community.”
Tomm Moore, Cartoon Saloon
Ireland South East is proving an increasingly attractive destination for graduates from the Creative sector as more employees seek a mix of exciting, innovative companies with first in class quality of life.
An estimated 1,000 people from Ireland South East with Art and Design qualifications commute out of the region daily.
Source: ISEDO
2,400 people in Ireland South East have qualifications in Audio-visual Techniques and Media Production; Design; or Craft Skills.
Source: CSO, Census
More than 1,500 people work in the growing creative and design sector in Ireland South East. This excludes those working in design but who are mainly categorised as being Information and Communications Technology employees. The main sub elements of the sector are creative, arts and entertainment activities; broadcasting; and television, video and music publishing activities
Source: CSO, Census
The Design & Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCoI) is based in Ireland South East and is the national agency for the commercial development of Irish designers and makers, stimulating innovation, championing design thinking and informing Government policy.
Design+ have expertise in design, engineering, ICT and BioScience and apply design thinking to address and solve close-to-market commercial needs.