North Quays Public Infrastructure Project Update
Waterford City and County Council are reporting good progress on the North Quays Public Infrastructure project. The permanent river works for the sustainable transport bridge are now reaching completion. The construction cofferdams are now being cut back, revealing the concrete piers and abutments above the waterline. Temporary bridge supports are being installed in the water which will assist with the installation of the bridge deck, and a permanent bridge protection system also needs to be installed in the water to protect the bridge piers from potential future collisions from river vessels.
The steel deck superstructure for the sustainable transport bridge is being fabricated and fitted out at Victor Buyck Steel Construction’s production plant in Ghent, Belgium. This process also involves global supply chains for the precision engineering of mechanical components that will control the lifting and closing of the opening spans of the bridge. The fabrication of the deck sections has now been completed, shot blasted and painted and the various mechanical components have been delivered from across the globe for final fit out in Ghent over the coming months.
Five new access bridges will provide multi-modal access over the existing rail and new greenway corridors providing connectivity between the Ferrybank area, the Greenway corridor, Public Transport Hub, Sustainable Transport Bridge, the North Quays Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) development and the City Centre.
The construction of the Transport Hub has reached roof level and the internal ticketing areas, offices, conveniences and public concourse at first floor level are being progressed. Works to the platforms and rail track are continuing and the internal building fit out and external public entrance plaza at Dock Road will commence in the coming months. Ground works have also commenced on the new pedestrian access bridge to the west of the Transport Hub.
With Fountain Street roadworks nearing completion, the new realigned Abbey Road is taking shape with access to a new dedicated school access lane and set down area for Our Lady of Good Counsel National School. New entrance walls and gates are currently being constructed with a new staff parking area and play courts also being provided.
The construction of a new railway flood defence system will commence in Q4 of 2024.